General Resources

General Resources

*Email your old classmates.

*Check yearbook for name and pertinent infos (do you still have yours?).

*Internet Person Search using White Pages or Yellow Pages from NetTools.

*Visit Reunion Hall. Register, leave a message.

*Register with the World Alumni Net.

*ClassMates helps alums find each other.

Free Registration but only members can access database. Requires cookies. 

*Surf Yahoo Alumnae/i Organization Links or Yahoo! High School Reunions.

*Read tips to Find lost friends classmates and other missing persons from your past.

*SWOON Old Friends Quiz lists ways to track down classmates.

*Gradfinder lists schools and unis worldwide

*The Seeker has a “generally seeking” section to look for classmates.

*International Baby Boomers is slow loading and uses frames but has much to offer.

*The Student Center features the Student Email Directory.

*Alumni Directory lets your search US high schools and unis.

* – gives graduating students a free address at (i.e. to take with them when they graduate.

*Web66 International Registry of School Websites is pretty damn complete!

*ICQ has User Lists for High School Alumni around the world

*Classquest does the research for you. They have a cross-reference system of multiple databases updated every day. The fee is $7-$10 per person depending on quantity and graduation year, but as a last source, they might fill in your blanks on those impossible-to-find classmates. 

*Snow Associates also does alumni/ae research for a fee.

* is an easily searchable US national database.

*Reunions Magazine focuses on reunion organizing, searching and helping organizers.

*SchoolNews High School and College Alumni Database lists over 30,000 US High Schools and colleges. 


*Military BRATS (Children of United States Military Personnel) has mega-links.

*International Schools World-Wide Alumni Links.

*Overseas Brats Online organization.

*International Schools World-Wide Alumni Links from

* – International Schools site


*UWash has US university links: Other University Alumni & Development Offices.

*MIT grad Christina maintains an alphabetical listing of College and University Home Pages.

*CollegeNET has plenty of resources and lets you search for colleges.

*Peterson’s is a pretty comprehensive college educational resource.

*Any other ideas? Let FindAlumni! know! Good luck!

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