General Resources
Email your old classmates.
Check yearbook for name and pertinent infos (do you still have yours?).
Internet Person Search using White Pages or Yellow Pages from NetTools.
Visit Reunion Hall. Register, leave a message.
Register with the World Alumni Net.
ClassMates helps alums find each other.
Free Registration but only members can access database. Requires cookies.
Surf Yahoo Alumnae/i Organization Links or Yahoo! High School Reunions.
Read tips to Find lost friends classmates and other missing persons from your past.
SWOON Old Friends Quiz lists ways to track down classmates.
Gradfinder lists schools and unis worldwide
The Seeker has a “generally seeking” section to look for classmates.
International Baby Boomers is slow loading and uses frames but has much to offer.
The Student Center features the Student Email Directory.
Alumni Directory lets your search US high schools and unis. – gives graduating students a free address at (i.e. to take with them when they graduate.
Web66 International Registry of School Websites is pretty damn complete!
ICQ has User Lists for High School Alumni around the world
Classquest does the research for you. They have a cross-reference system of multiple databases updated every day. The fee is $7-$10 per person depending on quantity and graduation year, but as a last source, they might fill in your blanks on those impossible-to-find classmates.
Snow Associates also does alumni/ae research for a fee. is an easily searchable US national database.
Reunions Magazine focuses on reunion organizing, searching and helping organizers.
SchoolNews High School and College Alumni Database lists over 30,000 US High Schools and colleges.
Military BRATS (Children of United States Military Personnel) has mega-links.
International Schools World-Wide Alumni Links.
Overseas Brats Online organization.
International Schools World-Wide Alumni Links from – International Schools site
UWash has US university links: Other University Alumni & Development Offices.
MIT grad Christina maintains an alphabetical listing of College and University Home Pages.
CollegeNET has plenty of resources and lets you search for colleges.
Peterson’s is a pretty comprehensive college educational resource.
Any other ideas? Let FindAlumni! know! Good luck!